Parenthood in Music

Thursday 09.11 \\ 13:00 \\ Lillesalen \\ ENG

Parenthood in music

Is it possible to combine parenthood with a career in music in 2023?

How do late working hours, touring, networking, creative periods, and risky self employment match with a parental life? What must change in the music industry so that coming parents can combine work and family? What are the benefits of being a parent or having parents in your work team? How can we organize festivals, events or work in artist management as a parent?

“Parenthood in Music” is an initiative founded by Steffi von Kannemann (owner of Better Things) and Marit Posch (General Manager IDOL Germany), to raise awareness on how parenthood influences working conditions in the music industry. Parenthood is still one of the main drivers for inequality and often leads to mothers and single parents not holding a leadership position or having a proper career as an artist. It often causes mental stress, implies underestimation and prevents parents from progress and wanting to take on higher positions.

Together with the audience Steffi will discuss innovative working models in order to achieve a modern and inclusive music industry.


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